Raspberry Pi 4 with Plex Addon no Subtitles search

Im using OSMC on a Raspberry Pi 4. I installed Plex addon from Kodi repository. Everything is working fine. The problem is that none of the subtitles addons are working so i cannot search for subtitles.
Is Kodi 18 this was working fine with several addons, opensubtitles, subcene, etc.
As far aa i know OSMC for the pi 4 uses kodi 19.

-Opensubtitles desnt work (never finds subtitles)
-Subcene gives me an error
-a4k i thik is working in kodi 19 but it demandas a IMBd id to search for the movie. Since Plex addon does not have those id (it uses rotten tomatoes) it does not send the correct information to a4k so the result is an error with missing imdb id…

Using plexkodiconnet is out of the question because i prefer the plex UI. Also i have a massive movies collection ob my server and everythig gets pretty slow and messy with pkc.

As anyone knows os a subtitles addon that works with plex on kodi 19?

I really like OSMC but plex addon is critical to me and have subtitles search working with plex is mandatory.

Is there any OSMC image for the Pi4 with Kodi 18?

Thank you all for the help!!

Answered on your dupe post [here]
