Raspberry Pi has IP, but OSMC doesn't show it


My Raspberry Pi has an assigned IP which works fine in terms of connecting to it via SSH. However, on the TV interface, OSMC shows no IP in System Information window and the application can’t navigate into my (separate) NAS. And yet it does seem to be able to update weather.

Do I need to send through logs or is this a simple fix?


Does it show an IP in My OSMC?

In My OSMC > Network > Wireless (which is how I’m connecting it)? No.

One observation - tonight when I looked at this more than 24 hours since the last time, it did initially have an IP address showing in both System Information and My OSMC, but when I tested whether the Pi could play a file off the NAS it couldn’t, and when I tried ‘update library’ it silently failed (i.e. looked like it was trying, but stopped too soon).


You’ll need to submit some logs then