Rc6-mce remote "Guide" key behaviour change

With April update for pi3B+ the “Guide” key behaviour on the rc6-mce remote has changed.
Previously when playing a Video from file pressing this key would give the OSD of “player process info” (codec info?). It would also give the context menu for a USB mounted drive with the “remove safely option”. The “Guide” key doesn’t work like this any more, it gives the generic PVR not installed/configured information.
The diff between an old and working version of Lircmap.xml is below, when I copy the old version over the new version it works as before.
Is this an intentional change or an omission? I assume my change will be overwritten when I next update.
Any information appreciated, Thanks.

<               <guide>KEY_EPG</guide>
>               <title>KEY_EPG</title>
<               <guide>KEY_EPG</guide>
<               <title>KEY_TITLE</title>
>               <title>KEY_EPG</title>
<               <guide>KEY_EPG</guide>
<               <title>KEY_TITLE</title>
>               <title>KEY_EPG</title>
<               <guide>KEY_EPG</guide>
<               <title>KEY_TITLE</title>
>               <title>KEY_EPG</title>

I had this too, I think it’s a change within Kodi that changed this functionality.

I have resolved this by adding a remap, I don’t know if both of these lines are needed but it works for me.

Create a new file here ~/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml

Give it these contents.


Then reboot

Hi jb2cool,
Thanks for that.
I’ve just tested and it gives me the context menu for USB devices, but doesn’t give me the OSD “player process info” (codec info) when video is playing.
Do you get the “player process info” in your installation?

Hi jb2cool,
I’ve just added an additional section to allow the OSD CodecInfo.
It may give me problems if I start to use TVHEADEND, perhaps someone can let me know if this is the best way to achieve what I want

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>