Reboot and transmission says usb hard drive disconnected

I’m a happy user of OSMC RC2 (now wifi works perfectly!)

I’ve one question for an old problem:

I’m using transmission to download to an external usb hard drive, but when I reboot OSMC, transmission gui shows that all the torrents are paused, it can’t detect the hard drive.

If I starts again all the torrents, the problem dissapears.

I’ve tried to add the hard drive to /etc/fstab but it didn’t work, it shows the same behaviour.

Any help?

Hi @ultramaximum
Did you solve the problem?
I saw in this post [Solved] Can't get around "Permission Denied" in Transmission - #31 by sam_nazarko that @sam_nazarko said that will be solve on the final Release.
I believe is some sort of configuration in transmission.service file of systemd, but I couldn’t figure out.

    Description=Transmission BitTorrent Daemon

    ExecStart=/usr/bin/transmission-daemon -f --log-error


I solved this creating a folder for the hard drive at /mnt.
Then I edited /etc/fstab and added an entry for my hard drive pointing to the /mnt new folder.

I didn’t test the method that @sam_nazarko said.

Hi @sam_nazarko, is this problem solved in the new release?

Sounds like a power supply issue. Please start a new thread with some logs


I don’t think so. I think the problem is that the unit (in this case /media/NASDRIVE) is not mounted when transmission is initiating.
Thanks and regards


Ah that old chestnut

I think I had to fix this for TvHeadend. I’ll have a look and see what can be done for Transmission too.


Thanks @sam_nazarko! Let me know if I can help with something. I did some test with systemd configuration but I don’t have luck.


I work-arounded the issue in OpenElec by adding a “sleep 10” in the startup script . It does not work on osmc unfortunately … Waiting for a fix … Thank you very much for your work

Where in OSMC did you try to add a sleep 10 ?

OSMC already has a fairly long wait in ExecStartPre. Make sure you are up to date


you are right … now it is working ! last time I tried was some days ago and was not working. I was adding the sleep command to “/etc/init.d/transmission.daemon” but I can confirm now it works without changing anything. THANK YOU very much !