Reboot Vero4k into the command line


I’m trying to reboot my Vero4k device to the command line via the instructions at:

When I reboot the device with a keyboard attached and I press the ESC key, nothing happens.

I’ve accidentally locked myself out of access to my device via ssh, because of setting up a nordvpn client on it without auto-connect enabled without first whitelisting my local subnet. [DOH]

Therefore I need access to the command line directly from the device, but I’m unable to do so. Has this feature been removed? If so, could someone update the wiki? Otherwise, is there another way for me to access the command line directly from the device?


It doesn’t work on boot. It only works when you re-start Kodi (Power->Exit). And you have to be quick to enter your password :smiley:

When I choose Exit from the power menu, the screen doesn’t change. I never get the OSMC logo as described in the wiki.

Are you saying I need to hit ESC and then enter my password blind, or should I see some kind of prompt?

Hmmm. Don’t know why, but if you mash Esc when the screen goes blank you should get a login prompt. You’re not trying this on a projector are you? (they are usually horribly slow).

When I select Exit, my screen freezes, and I have to manually remove the power to restart the device.

I’ve let it set several minutes, incase it was actually doing something in the background, but it’s just frozen.

Typically that means some service is not shutting down. Timeouts are often 90 seconds or more so several minutes ought to do it.

I’m out of ideas

Hold <Ctrl> while booting

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This is really very fiddly! Here are the steps how I do it with a Vero4k+:

First I connected the keyboard to the black USB port (I don’t know if the white port will also work).

Cold/warm reboot:

  • From the “Please standby” display, tap the CTRL key as fast as possible (in Rambo-style, that means at least 4 times per second!)

Leaving the media center via power->exit:

  • Immediately tap the ESC-key as fast as possible (Rambo-style again…). If you see the login: prompt, don’t forget to use the backspace key several times to remove possible invisible ESC characters.

Just holding the CTRL- or ESC-key does not work here.