Remote issue on Leia update


Tuesday I finally got around to updating to Leia, so went from December to June releases. I had the bottom 2 buttons on remote mapped to perform previous video/next video function using keymap editor. This is not working now. When I press the previous button, it will take me back to the start of the current video, no matter how many times I press, and the next button does nothing. In the keymap editor I have the following values assigned

Fullscreen video/playback/next(227) + previous(226)

And they are saved. Is that the correct place? Am I missing something.


Regards and thanks,


What remote are you using?
You may wish to use Keymap Editor for mapping the remote


Hi Sam,

I am using the original 4K remote. I was trying to remap using the editor, but no joy. I was mapping
Fullscreen video/playback/next(227) + previous(226)
And then rebooting.


The keymaps have changed a bit in Leia.
The Kodi wiki should have the latest keys (provided it’s been kept up to date)


Thanks Sam, using the keymap editor, should that not get the right value for the button I am assigning, or do I need to edit the remote.xml file? And is that found in /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/

I have found the keymap page in the Kodi wiki, I can see the commands but cannot see where the values are? Am I missing something…I would have thought searching for keymap values might have found them.

I have also assigned the values in global/playback, but no change.

Edit - I apologise for dumping this on you as it appears to be a Kodi issue and not OSMC.