Remote streaming from KODI local content


How to stream from my remote KODI local content ?
Can you point me to information on how to do the above.
Either streaming to browser or Yatse.

Raspberry pi 3
Yatse “on android”


Yatse can do UPnP which works over your local network. I take it your inquiring about streaming to outside of your home though? If this is the case I’d suggest you would be better off hosting your content on a different device that was setup using something like Plex, Jellyfin, or Emby. I think you’d find a lot less pain points with software designed to do this sort of thing.

Nearly all solutions that aren’t paid start with “install a VPN server”. I use OSMC for playback only with all content located in Jellyfin on a Ryzen-based system.

Because I don’t trust wifi security, my tablet is on a different subnet, basically on a different ISP than where my internal, trusted, servers are located, network-wise. To watch anything on the tablet, I have to connect to my wireguard VPN, which allows 1 port from the internet into the LAN. So the stream is sent out via the VPN to anywhere in the world that has sufficient bandwidth.

My new ISP is 300 Mbps- symmetric. My old ISP is 30/6 Mbps. My servers on on the old ISP still. wifi and some I-o-Shit devices are on the new ISP, in an untrusted network. With wireguard, it all works.

If you don’t want to deal with managing your public IP and opening a port, AND if your router isn’t too smart, then you can use a vpn overlay network like Nebula to allow connections between any systems which are configured as part of the overlay network. In theory. It doesn’t work for me and the only reason I’ve figured out why not is because my router, opnsense, blocks outbound UDP in a more secure way.

If you use tailscale, then you can use someone else’s public service (free) to provide connectivity using wireguard VPN between your systems. Of course, you can run your own wireguard VPN server to allow clients access internally.

I don’t allow jellyfin to be accessed outside my networks, unless a full VPN connection is involved.

All of this is a big more than most typical, non-technical, home users would find acceptable on the “hassle” scale. Each possible answer is a YMMV question.

Try using a free dyndns, setting kodi ip as DMZ on router (saves messing with ports to test)
Then on 2nd osmc device use external ip, port etc etc given on 1st device, wake on lan also use on 1st osmc device via router of possible

Hope this helps

Exposing OSMC/Kodi to the web in an unprotected DMZ is a HORRIBLE idea and asking for trouble. If this is your only option then you have no business networking anything until you educate yourself on better methods.

But if you want zombie botnets, this is how you get zombie botnets.

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Did you not notice (for testing) obviously once working you would set portd and turn of dmz,
But hey guessing you need that put clear :+1::rofl:

Even if you set DMZ for a few seconds, you will likely get attacked.

It takes less than 45 minutes to scan the entire IPv4 space for open ports…


I guess some of those pain points didn’t take long to get brought up. I personally run a Plex server on the same PC I host my media. I use Kodi and OSMC with direct file access in my home as is my preference. However I also have some family and friends that I want to share content with. In this setup the other users have easy access to a player on a lot of different devices and Plex automatically transcodes if there is a lack of bandwidth on either end or when a playback device doesn’t support a format they are streaming from me. The entire setup (for the most part) was install the server, put a port forward in my router, and then configure my file locations. That’s it, and the two system happily live side by side with a minimal amount of management.