Remove @eaDir

Could there be a function that deletes or hides the @eaDir (created I believe by an NFS share with a Synology… I have doubts about this theory because on the NAS, I don’t see them)


if you search on this forum there are some posts on lines you can add to advancedsettings.xml that suppress these.

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This change will be included as standard in OSMC’s release of Kodi v21.

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Nice, used the exclude for years already, works perfect!

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Coool !!!

Hello SAM
osmc is up to date and I still see these @eaDir! even after reboot.
Does this prevent new ones and those that are present have to be removed manually? (it’s tiring, there are some in all seasons of all series for example!)
Or should we do something else?

thank you

Kodi v21 has not been released as a stable update yet. We are waiting for v21.1.

The change we added will both hide these folders in Kodi, as well as keep them from being scanned during library updates. No changes are need by the end user.

OK, thank you

I am on Kodi 21.1.0 now, but still have unknown items in my library that come from an @eadir folder. Also after clean library.

Well, the @eadir fix only prevents such duplicates from being scanned and entered into the database. If they have already been entered, you can only remove them manually. If you are confident with a few commands on the command line:

  • ssh login as user osmc
  • sqlite3
  • sqlite> .open /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/Database/MyVideos131.db
  • sqlite> delete from movie where lower(c22) like '%@eadir%';
  • sqlite> delete from episode where lower(c18) like '%@eadir%';
  • sqlite> .quit

This should remove all movies and TV show episodes with a substring “@eadir” in the file path.

No guarantee and you do this at your own risk.