Renew IP lease on Vero4K

Completely bewildered.

Moved from FTTC to FTTP very nice, 4 times as fast…

But my new router rather than providing
addresses issues them in the range

Every other device has picked up a new IP address.
Not Vero4K

Any suggestions as to how I can force a refresh

Even after a reboot? Maybe try…
sudo ifconfig eth0 down && sudo ifconfig eth0 up
and if that doesn’t renew it try manually setting network settings in the My OSMC add-on and then setting it back to DHCP after it is working set static.

Reboot had been tried.

Like a clown I hadn’t thought to manually reset the gateway.

I did following your suggestion and of course Vero4K did its job. All sorted.

(OK, now debating getting a Vero 5 to plug into my new projector…)

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