Return to the previous version

Hello. pending the arrangement of the problem of the bluethoot of the December release, it is possible to return to the previous version (November 2017 I believe) without having to format the sd and initialize everything? if yes, how? in this way I could make use of the bluethoot headphones on my OSMC Pi2 waiting for the problem to be solved. Thanks

Unless you have a image based Backup there is no other way.
So suggest you use the backup plugin (MyOSMC) to create a backup, reinstall the October Image and restore your backup.

Thanks for replay but unfortunally i haven’t october Image…

Maybe misunderstanding. If you don’t have an image based backup than just now do a file based backup (MyOSMC) then install image 2017.10-1 (Download - OSMC) and after new install restore your file backup (MyOSMC)

ok . Thanks

but after sd format and october image install i have also re-install AD2P with the code?

echo “deb jessie-devel main” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/a2dp.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install a2dp-app-osmc
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/a2dp.list

Yes, you need to reinstall it and the instructions should still work

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