Rp2 mt7610

hello i have buy from aliexpress this adapter

i found and istall the drivers for my pc with ubuntu from here http://www.szedup.com/support/driver-download/ep-ac1601-driver/

i want to install to my rp2 with last update
anyone help me
i have try all solution find at net but no one make the adapter work

The driver is already included. You may need to force match the VID/PID so that the driver is loaded

you can help me do this because I do not know how

Well start with finding out you VID/PID by using lsusb for usbutils
sudo apt-get install usbutils

The VID/PID is what is written behind “ID:”

Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0e8d:7612 MediaTek Inc.

If you are sure it runs with mt7610 than:

unplug device
sudo -i
modprobe mt7610u_sta
echo 0df6 0075 > /sys/module/mt7610u_sta/drivers/usb:rt2870/new_id
plug device

nothing happen
reboot and nothing
at first post have all i find of this dongle
i have post and linux driver withi this driver my pc recornized and connect corect…
nothing else to try?

Don’t reboot! This change only works till you reboot.
Provide URL of grab-logs -J -K after you have followed above steps.

Provide lsmod and dmesg output from your PC


my pc



So seems driver is mt7662u_sta not mt7610u_sta

So your mission need to be to get mt7662u compiled on OSMC

can you help me
i don’t know how…

Sorry that is outside of my league