RPi cmd for data (consumption, temperature..)


Is it possible to check the Raspberry Pi, power consumption, temperature with a cmd ?

Temperature yes, power consumption not so much. But if there is insufficient voltage, Pi will log and report this.

Ok, is it possible to create a tracking system for this information ?

There are various utilities that can log system metrics over time, I wouldn’t bother creating anything from scratch.

If you just plan to monitor temperature, I wouldn’t particularly bother unless you have a specific reason

this is to compare the RPi 4 and 5 directly and see how I use them

i’m only watching video and streaming. i need to know if i need to change my power supply.

Connect via SSH and run journalctl -f | grep -i underv if you don’t see any lines good. If you see the below lines your power supply is not good enough

Oct 25 19:19:44 osmc-pi4 kernel: hwmon hwmon1: Undervoltage detected!

Yes, nothing ! but I’d like to know the exact value. no choice but to have a wattmeter

I’ll wait to receive the RPi 5 and test it out.