RPI4 Shutting down

Hi, I need some ideas. First of all this has nothing to do with OSMC which is the best solution that I ever used. And has the better support effort in my opinion. If I’m in the wrong place, feel free to point me the right direction.
Suddenly my RPI4 starts to shutting down with no warning. Just lost access and I go see is off.
My main concern is regarding the SD-Card getting corrupted.
Well, I would like ideas to try troubleshoot the issue. I try to meddle with the USB cable to see if it is bad contact, but it is in a location that is difficult even for me to work on, (inside a cabinet,with plenty of room to refrigerate the RPI, but below my TV. So after I meddle with, I realize that this would not be a problem because virtually was touched when I plugged in only.
When I push the RPI to let it on the back of the cabinet it turns on…
Any ideas?

If touching the device turns it back on, there is a loose connection somewhere. Maybe as it heats up the connection moves / expands slightly.

What power supply are you using?

@sam_nazarko Thanks a lot. I take a look, visually, and found nothing. I’ll keep an eye on it to try detect more…
@darwindesign The original one that came when I brought it. It’s on right now so I do not have the specs here, but I brought a kit on Amazon last year. The cable has that switch on/off… (I know is only useful once you turn off properly, but since it was which came with it…)

I let it off for some time and opened to clean the fan that was making some noise. Use a little bit of WD40 on it and worked like a charm.

So, it turned on when I plugged in so I’ll let it…

I’d venture a guess that the PSU that came in your kit wasn’t top quality. You might find that the PSU for the RPi 4 that is sold by the Raspberry Pi Foundation would make for a more stable player. As for the WD40 on the fan that isn’t something that I would recommend. It is really the wrong product for the job and if the fan can’t run many years before it starts making off noises it is very poor quality and is better to replace than to try to lubricate. An even better option is to ditch the fan altogether and just go with a large heatsink or heatsink case like the FLIRC.

Yeah, I don’t expect much from the price I pay. Anyway, it is what I got at the moment but I’ll definitely move up in my list those two…
At the end, I’ll take a closer look into this and try to see a pattern for the shutting down issues…
Thanks for all your input.

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I use a fan-less case from Flirc.
Flirc Raspberry Pi4 case

Sorry guys.
indeed was a overheating problem. I installed a fan in the place where my RPI is, and so far I start manually for a few minutes. But I’m already working on to start when the temperature rises to a point.
I´m thinking in 30C to be safe…

Ambient or CPU temp? The CPU doesn’t throttle till 80C. If you have some kind of ambient sensor I wouldn’t bother to set it any lower than maybe 37 as that is still quite comfortable for most any electronics.

Ah should be a ambient sensor. Long time ago I did a temp monitoring tool in RPI. I’m thinking in do the same.
But, maybe I can add a function to turn the fan on if the RPI got too hot, before the ambient reach the set temp.
Thanks for the response. I’ll use this as reference…

Honestly, as I stated before, you would probably be better off without a fan and just use a good heat sink solution. Small fans have small blades which capture small amounts of air which means they have to spin fast to do much work which means they are normally loud or ineffectual. A half decent heat sink on the main chip of a RPi should be more than adequate to provide for fully stable operation in almost any situation. If your operating the device inside of an enclosed environment that is allowing the ambient temp to continuously climb then the solution there is not to provide better cooling for the Pi but rather ventilation for its environment. To this end a 120mm fan set to a very low RPM and therefore silent will provide a much greater benefit than a 20mm fan screaming away at high RPM recycling hot air.