Rss feed/ticker on slideshow with video

Hi, I managed to get the rss feed/ticker to work on the slideshow by putting

		<control type="group">
			<description>Top Bar Area</description>
			<visible>![System.IdleTime(3) + Skin.HasSetting(HideTopBar) + !Control.HasFocus(555)]</visible>
			<include condition="System.GetBool(LookAndFeel.EnableRSSFeeds) + !Skin.HasSetting(HideTopBarDate)">RSSFeed</include>
			<include condition="System.GetBool(LookAndFeel.EnableRSSFeeds) + Skin.HasSetting(HideTopBarDate)">RSSFeedNoDate</include>

at the end in slideshow.xml

however, when the slideshow plays a video, the RSS feed/ticker is nog visible.

Does anybody know how to solve this?
