Rumblepad Support

I can help too, I have 4 rumblepad cordless. With some help instruccions I can test too.

Thanks for your Job.

These one I have:

I have added support for the RumblePad

and it comes with the next kernel update ?

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Should do. I’ve added the kernel support. Not sure if anything needs to be done in userland but it should just be mapped to uinput.

Well thats up to the two guys in this thread to help you determine since none of us has a rumblepad

Of course when that update is out I will tell you how fine is it. Thanks a lot for that :slight_smile:

The latest update should have the necessary modules to make the Rumblepads work. Could you please check after updating if it is usable in RetrOSMC now?

ATTN @juaduve @quetzal

May update has the update you been waiting for please confirm if its working for you and report to mcobit and sam

@mcobit @Toast Of course I will do it and confirm it. I will test retrOSMC of course. I will post here results as I have 5 free min at home :wink:

Hi all,

I have tested it. It works perfectly. It got deteceted and loaded at boot time by the kerne. I’ve testesd it woth jstest: all buttons working as expected. Also tested it woth RetroOsmc it got detected and ready to configure at once.

Thank you so much!

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Great to hear. Thanks for testing :slight_smile:

Raspberry pi 3 - Last OSMC -RetroOSMC

all tested- all fine.

Next weekend I will test use 4 gamepads, but dont think I can have any problem, maybe some configuration. I want test Moonlight too… I will write my results when I can dedicate some time on it

Sincerely, Thanks a lot.
I am too pleased for your great job.

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With the last update, the RumblePad is working like a charm.