Run off usb drive

Hi, the installer is not working for me, so I used a program to put osmc on a microsd card and a usb nvme ssd. it booted and installed but it’s running off the microsd card and not the ssd. I’m running a rp4 and the firmware is up to date. What am I missing

You have to use the OSMC installer or preseed to set up USB boot.

Saying the installer doesn’t work for you is a bit vague.

This in the log, it’s a permission error but i can’t solve it

Tue Sep 21 20:17:49 2021 Messages are:
Tue Sep 21 20:17:49 2021 	 stdout: 
Tue Sep 21 20:17:49 2021 	 stderr: 0:132: execution error: dd: /dev/rdisk4: Operation not permitted (1)

Ok I disabled sip and was able to install it. Now when i boot, it’s showing a rainbow image and not doing anything.

What OS are your trying to use to create the drive to install from?

Looks like macOS. Try using dd instead for now or a Windows PC.

Got everything to work now. Thanks