Running other software on Vero 2

Is it possible for me to load something like Volumio on to the Vero2?

Thanks for that, but they are all about loading on top of, but I want to replace it.

You want to replace OSMC with a different Operating System on a device that was especially designed to run OSMC? Good luck with that!

I’m just asking if it’s possible.

It would be unsupported by both them and us. The list of supported Volumio devices is here;

Yes, it’s possible to run any Linux distribution, but would take a bit of effort. We are considering offering Ubuntu Mate for Vero 2 in the future

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Please also consider ubuntu server :smiley:

Fair enough.

What’s the exact difference?

It’s pretty simple to run OSMC in headless mode which is suitable for a server. As Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian, you should be able to install all packages available under Ubuntu on OSMC already.


Good point!!

Hi, I refer to this answer of yours years ago.
What about this consideration?

And again the initial question:
How can I run different os on the vero 2?

There are nice images for Amlogic S805 boxes:

Like armbian for example.
But the install methods for adding multiboot do not work on the vero 2.
It seems to me a lot of energy went into locking up the device for using other hardware.

My vero2 is lying around for years now. I had issues with it that could not be solved. I still believe that the internal storage has a fault and that’s why I would like to run an os from the sd card.

The vero2 is old now, there is vero 4k and 4k+.
So please please @sam_nazarko could you reveal now how one can run any os from the sd card on vero2?
I’d like to put it to use again and I take all risks for possible faults.

The bootloader is unlocked and there is already support for booting from external media (USB or Micro SD card).

This works out of the box; but you will need to boot compatible images obviously. When you run the OSMC installer; you are booting a Buildroot image which has been developed just for the purpose of installing OSMC. This is effectively another distribution.

If there is no image available for the distribution you’d like to boot, you can use an OSMC kernel and copy /lib/modules from the OSMC install; and then overlay that over a userland. That would allow you to boot another OS (Arch etc) trivially.

I don’t recommend installing to the internal storage however.