SABNZBD Upgrade the jcfp/ppa repository


Further to what I have posted earlier (below) it has been suggested that I update / install the jcfp/ppa repository. Please can you tell me how I can do that in OSMC. The code sudo add-apt-repository , errors with command not found.

I am trying to upgrade my SABNzb version from ver 3.1.1 to the latest on my RPie. I am running Python version 3.9.2. I would like to keep the original config if possible.

sudo apt-get install sabnzbdplus tells me I have the latest version. 

I then downloaded an unpacked the tar to my home directory when I try to run the script, it errors with missing module : sabctools

I tried to follow int instructions to resolve this by installing pip, when I get to this command “sudo -H pip install sabctools –upgrade” I get the error

ERROR: Could not build wheels for sabctools which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly.

I upgraded pip and still get an error

ERROR: Could not build wheels for sabctools, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

Any idea what I do now. (I have also posted on the SABNZBD forums )