Sad face after update

Yesterday my OSMC updated and I got a sad face.
I tried to reinstall again via SSH but I it still the same.
My logs are here:

Thanks for your support.


To start with I would try running kodi with default setttings:

sudo systemctl stop mediacenter
sudo mv .kodi kodi.back
sudo systemctl start mediacenter

It also creates a backup, so you can restore if their isn’t a conflict with your settings & addons with the latest update.

If the above helps, I would restore your settings and addons one at a time; till you find the cause I the issue.

Thanks Tom.

Hi Tom,

I followed your steeps but it give me the same answer :frowning:.

Do you know what else I can do?

Thanks in advance

You did not move the .kodi directory. There are still addons (Amazon and Plex) trying to run.