Sad face in loop

Last time I’ve observed that kodi is not able to start. I’m still getting sad face on my screen. SSH and other services are working. Unfortunatly I cannot figure out what was happened.

Here are the logs, I hope that you can help me with that. I don’t want to reinstall whole system.

Well assuming you have an issue with your addons.
Try to move kodi folders and see if it starts then.
If all ok then start to move the kodi folder back and check stuff that you recently installed.

mv .kodi .kodi_backup

Doesn’t work - same issue is visible.

I’m suspecting something with the below.

[quote]Nov 30 23:40:26 osmc sudo[24836]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user osmc
Nov 30 23:40:26 osmc mediacenter[403]: Kodi exited with return code 127 after 0 hours, 0 minutes and 1 seconds
Nov 30 23:40:37 osmc mediacenter[403]: Starting Kodi…
Nov 30 23:40:38 osmc sudo[24854]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=osmc ; COMMAND=/usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin --standalone -fs --lircdev /var/run/lirc/lircd
Nov 30 23:40:38 osmc sudo[24854]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user osmc by (uid=0)
Nov 30 23:40:38 osmc mediacenter[403]: /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ undefined symbol: PyGxc_KeyboazdInturrupt[/quote]

True that seems to be one of your problems.
But the bigger is quite a few packages that you have installed and worse you ran apt-get upgrade which is know to brake systems.
So my advice is to reinstall clean

I tried to avoid this approach but finally did it. Lessons learned - do the card backups.

Hope besides backups you also learned not to use apt-get upgrade

Seriously? That is messed up.

This is a debian system, that is how its supposed to work. If you seriously cannot run normal debian commands, then you have done it wrong. If something about OSMC is broken by another dependency on the system, the package should be properly made to indicate as such.

I honestly cannot believe this.

Try to RTM while you suspend your disbelief.

apt-get upgrade has not been recommended for any Debian system since 2009. OSMC follows the official Debian policy on updating systems.

You are probably thinking of apt-get dist-upgrade.

It does – but when you run apt-get upgrade, you are not allowing APT to install new dependencies, you are only requesting existing ones be upgraded, which is why you get problems.

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