I know it’s something I’ve done/not done yet, but trying to troubleshoot some new samba shares that don’t appear to be playing ball with my Vero.
Just get a sad face and reboot after trying to play from any of the shares I’ve migrated.
Log below, I’ve looked through it and am none the wiser.
Thanks experts.
Your issue is not samba shares but access to your MySQL database
2024-12-19 13:25:17.680 T:3451 error <general>: Unable to open database: xbmc_video112 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'' (using password: YES))
I think I was resting on the fact that I’ve always had OSMC create the MySQL DB each time there’s been an upgrade, so even though I’ve installed MySQL on the new NAS, I obviously haven’t done something else. Is there an easy to follow setup for the DB anywhere handy do you know? It was easily 12+ years ago I did this last time when I changed my NAS before.
But don’t you have a backup of the database you want to use?
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If I could work out how to back it up, I do. The other NAS is still alive and well, and currently missed 
It depends how you manage your MySQL Server.
If you don’t have a GUI for it you can use mysqldump on the cli
I feel like my old NAS is going to be in use purely for the MySQL element for a while yet. Fighting with a MySQL docker on a QNAP NAS that doesn’t want to let me connect to it yet, but once I have that part of it working, I’ll look up how to pull the info out of the old database - I am fairly sure I used myphpadmin before.
Thanks for your help though. Appreciated.
Do you happen to know if caching_sha2_password has been implemented in the OSMC MySQL connection? My old NAS was a very old MySQL install and didn’t require that. I now have a working MySQL DB that I am able to connect to from a number of clients.
It could be (and probably is) a different issue, but I’ve not tried any more fault finding from the Vero yet.
Edit to add. I have a spare rpi3 to use that’s easier to change configs on and reboot without annoying people.
The logs for this show “Plugin caching_sha2_password could not be loaded” which may answer my own question, but it’s an older version of OSMC. Also, it doesn’t sad face, just ignored the error and carries on after a short delay.
Edit to add more: Seems I had to downgrade the MySQL server version to the pre-sha2 requirements (v8.3), add - --mysql-native-password=ON to my docker file and change some permissions, but it seems to be ok now. So problem is fixed.
I’m not a developer (clearly), but if kodi/osmc doesn’t support the sha2 login requirements, and as they’ve been deprecated for a while now, surely this issue will likely come up more and more?
Oh, and I managed to export my old DB to the new one, which OSMC promptly ignored and “migrated” to a newer blank one
- doesn’t matter, was only a couple of things I needed to know where I’d got to, so did it manually afterwards.
I think Kodi depreciated support for MySQL some number of years back. You might have an easier time with MariaDB as is suggested in Kodi’s wiki.
Ah right, thanks for the heads up.
I’ve got it all working now so I’ll leave it as it is, but I did try MariaDB and it also “out if the box” didn’t seem to want to let the Veros or my test RPi connect so I figured it was the same situation with the sha2 password.
I use MariaDB and am on a pretty current version (11.6.2). I’ve not had any problems, but I think out of the box if you create a new user it, by default, only allows localhost access. You have to make sure when you create the user in MariaDB to allow it to connect from other IPs (easiest is all, or you can do just a subnet or even just an IP). So that might be worth checking.
I couldn’t even get phpmyadmin to connect to the MariaDB version on my NAS, and at that point I went back to fighting with MySQL instead as I’d already invested so much time 
MariaDB by default only allows unix_socket authentication for root. So if you are trying to connect from phpmyadmin with the root account that would fail
Makes sense, like I said, I didn’t spend too much time on that as it wasn’t my first choice at the time anyway.