Samba problem

i’m having an issue with samba on my kodi.

the kodi cannot auth to the samba HDD i have to put my samba in guest mode and still kodi ask for user and password and i input it doesn’t connect and when i press esc it magically enters the samba hdd.

now this is the stupid part every time i turn my raspberry on i have to go to the folders try to enter the library folder so it pops up the user password i enter it it doesn’t work i press esc and voila magic.

does anyone know who can i fix this

Hi @pksrbx,

to get a better understanding of the problem you are experiencing we need more information from you. The best way to get this information is for you to upload logs that demonstrate your problem. You can learn more about how to submit a useful support request here.

Thanks for your understanding. We hope that we can help you as soon you provide the data.