I have recently encountered an issue where the CEC is no longer working (i’m unable to browse kodi with my TV remote) where it was working correctly.
I’m not sure if it’s an issue with the TV or kodi, however, I did find some error messages in kodi.log:
15:39:22.313 T:3946836736 ERROR: CecLogMessage - AllocateLogicalAddresses - failed to allocate device '0', type 'recording device'
15:39:22.313 T:3946836736 ERROR: CecLogMessage - failed to find a free logical address for the client
15:39:22.313 T:3946836736 ERROR: CecLogMessage - failed to register the new CEC client - cannot allocate the requested device types
15:39:22.315 T:3938448128 ERROR: OpenConnection - could not opening a connection to the CEC adapter
15:39:22.315 T:3946836736 ERROR: CecLogMessage - failed to register a CEC client
For those familiar, do you think this points to an issue at what end?