I have an RPi2 with a 1TB hard drive and OSMC - Kodi. This works quite well with some recent glitches regarding the Youtube add-on. Not the topic of this thread.
Instead I would like to know if there is some way to record a play stream to disk for later playback. I know that ffmpeg is capable of doing this provided one can create the extremely complex command line for ffmpeg…
I would like to see an option when selecting a program on say SVTplay where one can either play it directly or save it to disk for later playback. The use case would be for example when one can load these programs to disk before traveling to a place with no or very expensive Internet access.
I am not talking about a PVR type system where real time transmissions are saved to file, rather this is about being able to load up the disk with material to watch say in the vacation home on an isolated island or such. No Internet availability at required speeds.