Scan for new content context menu not working

Are you using individual (SQLite) libraries on these systems or a central MySQL library?

Same as you, central MySQL library. (Hosted on the Vero 4K)

Hmm… Then there must be some config or data file somewhere that is unique to each system that “stores” the “don’t scan this anymore” state, even if it’s not an intended result. @sam_nazarko, Any ideas if such an animal exists?

Near as I can tell last time I had this happen: That information is stored in the MySQL database, not locally. Which is baffling to me. I’d think when this problem happens that it would happen on all systems in that case.

Unless that database can keep separate records based on machine. It can do profiles, so why not machines… Hmmm. Might be time to dig into the SQL database to see what is and isn’t in there.

No, from my research there is nothing kept by machine in the database. The database doesn’t really do profiles correctly either from what I remember (but I don’t use profiles)

Nor do I. I’m looking in the Wiki to see if I can see anything in the MyVideos107.db structure that could be a lead. I agree that it’s likely a dead end, also.

If you know much about database design, be prepared to pull some hair out if you actually look in the database. It’s not the best design I’ve ever seen… I guess that’s why after 10+ years it’s still considered experimental

I’ve been in that database before. I agree it’s pretty clunky. I’ve only dug into it to change paths around so that I could move the location of the files to different servers/paths without having to rescrape the entire thing.

Im now using an unmolested library though. Whatever it did in there was all Kodi…not me, lol.

I’ve been telling people not to do this since Raspbmc in 2012.

DNS is broken on most consumer networks and especially complicated when you consider situations like mDNS (Avahi) where broadcasting doesn’t always cross across the wire and wireless for security reasons. There are many quirks.

As for notifications when files change; CIFS does not provide any notifications that can be consumed.

I’d still like to see some logs when it fails.

Well at this point, I’d suggest that you post logs next time it happens. Maybe others will see something that I missed last time I looked into it.

Same as you, I’ve also made changes to paths :wink:

OK. I was able to duplicate the problem and also duplicate what I have to do to make it work

The file in question is located in

nfs://rrl-nas/mnt/user/Video/TV/Nova/Season\ 44/NOVA\ -\ S44E18-NOVA.S44E18.Eclipse.Over.America.PROPER.720p.HDTV.x264-DHD[rarbg].mkv

I escaped the spaces in the pathname above.

How I duplicated the failure: (Note: I am using confluence, so menu names and options may have different wording)

I opened up TV Shows from the main menu, scrolled down to NOVA, clicked the context menu button and then selected “scan for new content.” There was no indication on-screen that it was doing any scanning. It was as though I had pressed “back” or “escape.” I then uploaded the logs.

Here are the logs of the failed scan:

Next, I rebooted to get fresh debug logs. Then I went to Videos from the main menu, selected TV (which is the name of the source in sources.xml in which my TV shows reside), clicked the context menu button and selected “scan for new content.” This resulted in the “Scanning TV shows using The TVDB” box in the upper right corner. Once that was complete, I verified that the episode had been added to the library and uploaded the logs.

Here are the logs of the successful scan:

Let me know what other info you need to troubleshoot this.

Hopefully someone else can look at this and see something. What I see it like when I’ve had the problem, the scan seems to be only partially running.

One interesting thing I spotted with the successful scan was this:

14:50:22.620 T:3868193776  NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
14:50:22.620 T:3868193776  NOTICE: WakeOnAccess [rrl-nas] trigged by accessing : nfs://rrl-nas/mnt/user/Video/TV/
14:50:22.626 T:4107592688   DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnScanStarted from xbmc
14:50:22.626 T:4107592688   DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 16, from xbmc, message OnScanStarted

Most noticeable in the failed scan is the DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT line is missing.


Have you had a chance to look at these logs to see why this is failing?

Do you get this problem when using IP based shares, i.e. not using hostnames?
Did you see my comments above?

Switching to IP based will cause interesting complications in my library, since it’s all indexed by hostname.

I guess I can try changing sources.xml to see if it works.

Path_substitution is the magic trick

OK. Trying to figure out which way to go with the substitution…

Since my library says the files are in NFS://rrl-nas/Video/…

Do I do


or the other way around?

Suggest you edit your post and use the peformatted text button </> so we can better judge if yours is correct.
But generally from is your current setting (name) and to is the new one (IP)

Lol. Sorry about that. I forgot to look at the preview.


Based on your last reply, I think the above would be the correct from and to…