September update breaks 5.1 Audio

Hi John,

First, I’d like to just say that I can’t fix problems that I’m not made aware of.

In August, I see that you posted about a Bluetooth streaming issue. Bluetooth however is still experimental and that’s why we don’t yet include it in OSMC out of the box. There is a slight risk that it won’t function as expected sometimes; and it isn’t regression tested fully across updates at this time because some further changes are planned.

I wouldn’t recommend basing your decision not to update OSMC on an experimental package.

Can you confirm whether your audio issue is still present in the September version of OSMC? There were a few audio fixes to fix a couple of problems introduced in the July update when we enabled Atmos and 192Khz support. The main problems introduced here were an incorrect channel mapping for LPCM and muted channels. I understand that this is now fixed.

I didn’t find a post from you about DVBLink issues, so didn’t know that you were afflicted with this problem. There were some improvements to Live TV playback in the September update, and the reports have been quite positive.

Obviously we want to avoid regressions; but they are inevitable. In the unlikely event they do happen we try and fix things quickly. For example, there was a disk automounting issue last night on Raspberry Pi devices; but this was resolved within twenty minutes and made available to users within half an hour.

This suggests that there might be a problem with your DVBLink backend here; but I am not the best person to help resolve that. The DVBLink forums might help you with that one.

We effectively have this in the form of the staging repository; which we often suggest people use to test immediate fixes. I’m aware that there are some people using this test repository as a daily driver.

All of the updates that we release have been tested by some users before their release. You can find notes on the audio changes in the thread I linked to in my previous post.
