Shop Website Down

Hi, can some one confirm if the shop site is down ?

The official shop is working

yeah that works, but when I click buy now on the bellow I get the error not found :confused:

The link is working fine here. Can you please check it?

it worked yesterday, but today im just getting the below, just tried another computer but get same, tried phone on chrome browser still on wifi and that worked :expressionless:

This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.


You can use this link to place an order: Shopping bag – OSMC

I’ll update the links shortly as a precaution, but I haven’t been able to reproduce here

Thanks for the report


Cheers Sam, that works and the normal links now do :slight_smile:

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Glad to hear. The delivery will be a few days due to a backlog of orders.

no rush, its for some one for xmas