Should I upgrade to Vero V?

I have been using the Vero 4k since 2018. Overall has been a good experience except for the last year with the cec bug.

With the Vero V now out I am wondering if I need to upgrade. Apart from the latest hardware it seems for my use case which is just watching 4k movies the current vero 4k should be fine.

Am I missing something or can I hold off for now?

We are still supporting Vero 4K for now, but if you want a faster system that is more future proofed you could upgrade.

The Vero 4K wonā€™t get a newer kernel, although a newer one is planned for Vero V.

The current pricing is introductory, and may need to go up in the future


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And if you plan on using a projector and need good HDR to SDR tonemapping, the Vero V is evidently the better choice.

As far as we know, the main advantages of the Vero V at the moment are:

  • Support for videos using the AV1 codec.
  • Support for Widevine L1, which means somewhat improved performance when accessing commercial streaming services (e.g. Netflix, Disney Plus).
  • Navigating around the UI will be a bit more snappy; faster boot times; scraping a bit quicker.
  • Superior HDR to SDR conversion.
  • An internal remote dongle so you have two free USB ports.
  • One of the the USB ports is USB 3.0, which means better performance copying files to or from a locally connected drive.
  • Able to handle 4K/60fps material more smoothly.
  • A fix for some (rare) cases where subtitles are displayed in the wrong colours.
  • Better quality upscaling.
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I hope that there will be some video post processing improvements planned as well? I remember seeing a noticable video improvement when using MadVR on my PC.

Iā€™m hoping that the new CPU has the capabilities to do at least some basic video improvements?

Thanks everyone all very helpful. All I use my Vero for is 4k movies on a oled tv. So I think I will just wait for it to break before getting a new one.

Yes - there are HDR tonemapping improvements with Vero V.

If by ā€œa bitā€ you mean significantly, then sure. The Vero 4K in the UI seems sluggish in comparison. It even feels faster navigating the UI than my RPi 4ā€™s that are all running from the same MySQL database (as a subjective comparison).

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Indeed, until you actually try the Vero V I think you wonā€™t appreciate the difference in performance.

** An internal remote dongle so you have two free USB ports.*

Not sure this one is a plus to be fair, the new remote is much less ā€˜positiveā€™ than the previous one. You need to be closer to the box or you can get freezes of the remote.

But the UI is quicker and doesnā€™t seem to get stuck scrolling through large libraries.

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A few users have reported remote issues.

I will monitor the situation and weā€™ll deal with this robustly.

A few more many users have received devices and not reported issues.



Well I canā€™t comment on the remote just yet but in usual ā€œsofaā€ conditions all works fine.

As for the speed, it is noticeably quicker and much more comfortable to use. The Vero4K+ is a great bit of kit, but the Vero V feels swifter. A simple thing like the changes in resolution/refresh rates that are usual during a switch from the menu to video (and vice-versa) feels much faster. General browsing is swift. First impressions are positive and Iā€™ve yet to test high bitrate videos.

Iā€™d have a small remark for improvement - HDMI and optic connectors are slightly on the close side : another couple of millimeters would have helped with some of the chunkier cable connectors. Apart from that so far the Vero V is great and I appreciate that the inherent philosophy of OSMC has not changed.

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Thatā€™s good feedback. Will keep that in mind.

So nothing to do with stability or less crashes.
As it seems for me and from Google, restarts are fairly common?
I donā€™t really care about any of the features you mentioned.
Although I think many willā€¦

But I donā€™t use hard drives. Itā€™s all wirelessly streaming content from other pcs for example. So the USB 3 is not useful for me.

Yes faster scraping is good, but I donā€™t find the current scrapping inconvenient. Also with a little tweaking , you can set Vero 4k to quit scraping when itā€™s already got ā€œmostā€ of the sources,as its pointless to get 150 when 100 is just fine and often is done with in under 5 seconds .
I canā€™t see the bother in speeding that up :man_shrugging:

The internal remote is a slight improvement as the one I got now just dangling off the Vero which is mounted on my wall.
But I donā€™t know if I could justify the cost for that either.

Iā€™m personally feeling like I want a more solid stable device than any of the pros you listed
To me it just seems a no brainer. Especially because faster scraping is going to save me like 1 second. But crashing/restarting/researching the video/rescraping takes several minutes.
So by far worse .

Oh and if it was possible to side load other osā€™s. Like android so I can install android apps on it. You can do this with the raspberry pi. That can have a boot menu with Kodi and like 10 other osā€™s to choose from in the pre loaded raspberry pi SD cards.

That would be an awesome feature in Vero 5 because I can install smarttube next. Which is an ad free imo better version of YouTube. Unlike the YouTube add-on on Kodi which is extremely problematic.

But just my opinion

Had mine since Sept, and it has crashed once only in that time.

The Vero 4K/4K+ will not be supported after Kodi v21 by OSMC in a direct capacity. But we have put plans in place to keep the device alive via upstream kernel support so it can run Linux distributions natively in the future.

Vero V will obviously be supported however ā€“ itā€™s not even been six months since it was officially launched. We have long term goals for this device. Android support is something we are still exploring, but the wider focus would be on streaming services that use Widevine L1 (Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Sky Go) etc.

By the time Kodi v22 comes out there will have been 9 years of Vero 4K support. Itā€™s time to draw a line in the sand and give the device a send off which will be well over the initially promised five years of support. This is because it takes too much time and effort to develop for an older device and software is getting more and more demanding in terms of resources with each release.

You should not get any green screen crashes whatsoever on Vero V

Personally, Iā€™d buy, but I am biased. Our biggest competitor isnā€™t any other Kodi device, or Raspberry Pi, but ourselves. Most of our user base are happily enjoying Vero 4K / 4K + because it works and gets updates. We find it flattering and a testament to our commitment to support for devices past, present and future. No one else is offering a Kodi device with such long term commitments of support. Some offer shiny specs, but those people that do so will tell you that you need to upgrade every year. That is not the case.

OSMC will turn ten years old in a couple of months. Before OSMC, we had Raspbmc for two just under three years. Before that I supported a bespoke Linux distribution on Apple TV called Crystalbuntu in 2009. Some people are buying Kodi devices promising years of support and these companies have been around for a year or two at best.

Five years is a long time in technology. The selfish reason for supporting your devices for this long is that it keeps us alive. We want customers for life. As we donā€™t sell software or subscription services the only way to do this is to keep selling high quality hardware and supporting it better than the competition. Unlike competitors, we control both the hardware and software stack, so we can provide purpose built hardware and purpose built software.

But if YouTube is your main use case (from your other thread) and your are dissatisfied with Vero 4K, then I would not recommend the device. I never want to mis-sell.

If you like Vero 4K / 4K +, youā€™ll love Vero V.
If you donā€™t, donā€™t buy it. Let someone else buy it that will enjoy it. We can barely keep up with demand.

I made this post for anyone else that stumbles across this post with the same question. Nothing Iā€™ve really posted here is new ā€“ but for someone reading this, it will be.




The menu is definitely quicker to move around and Iā€™ve had no new issues playing content that stand out. I donā€™t have a new AVR that supports Dolby vision yet but when I will buy one eventually, then I can make use of the new dolby vision colour mapping stuff. If you donā€™t have the spare the money then you can probably wait out until it breaks but if you are like me and like being on the latest and greatest hardware and you have the spare money then its a no brainer.

The output from Vero V is HDR10 so you donā€™t need DV capability in your display or AVR.

I am talking about the new update with the tone mapping.

OK I see your point, that I do not need DV support on my AVR. I want a new AVR any way haha

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Will the 4k+ still be supported. I own a V and a 4k+. Also, with DV would I need to re-rip my discs (used MakeMKV) that support dv for the V? Thanks!

Edit: Will my tv show DV in the top corner or still HDR? Usually it does display DV but just updated my Vero V so havenā€™t really tested much.