Simple IPTV Client stops after playing for a few seconds

Pretty much the title. It happens for quite a few but not all streams. An example streams is down below (It works in Poland and I think they should work across EU)
Note1: This streams work in other clients with no problem.
Note2: There are other HD streams that work with no issues
Note3: Connection speed is surely not an issue. My Pi4 is connected via a LAN cable to my modem.
Note4: I reproduce the issue on a fresh Kodi on my Macbook Pro

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id=“” tvg-logo=“” group-title=“Undefined”,TVP2 (1080p)

and here is the log right after the failure happened.

Probably geoblocked.

You have tons of repo add-on issues in your logs, and this is without debugging enabled.