Slow loading large video files from Synology Nas


I have been using OSMC for a while but it seems recently I have getting a slow response time loading a file and some “jerkyness” when playing.

The RPi2 is connected via a gigabit Ethernet cable and I have confirmed via mii-tool that it is connected at 1000mbps. The NAS is also connected at 1000mbps - confirmed with ethtool

Originbally I used to use handbrake on the video files to reduce the size but now I have more space available I have been using makeMKV.

I have tried using SMB share, a NFS share via OSMC and finally a local NFS mount (all of these after reading various forum posts) but nothing seems to make any difference.

One of the videos I have is a 5Gb file, its takes a good 5 minutes to start playing and then stutters. If I load the same file via windows over wifi it loads instantly and plays just fine.

I am not a Linux expert so don’t assume any knowledge there but I can ssh on to the Pi etc. Any suggestions much appreciated.

I have uploaded the logs to

Sorry, I donlt think my last change to “local” nfs had taken effect, restarted - cleaned library and now seems much faster - the same 5Gb file now only taking a few second before it starts playing.

In case anyone finds this useful I added the following to /etc/fstab

synology is a host name supported by a local dns server, you can substitute the ip address of you NAS device.

synology:/volume1/video/films /mnt/films nfs noatime,noauto,x-systemd.automount,async,nfsvers=3,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,nolock,nofail,local_lock=all,soft,retrans=2,tcp 0 0
synology:/volume1/video/tv /mnt/tv nfs noatime,noauto,x-systemd.automount,async,nfsvers=3,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,nolock,nofail,local_lock=all,soft,retrans=2,tcp 0

Apologies if any of this is incorrect- its improved things for me but I am no expert - lots of googling today!

Wow, you have magically made the 100Mibt Chip connecting at 1G?
Try to find out your bandwidth throughput with out any impact of servers. Use iperf3 to test it!

Sorry, like I said no expert, this was the output of mii-tool

eth0: negotiated 1000baseT-HD flow-control, link ok

anyway like I say whatever I have done seems to have improved things

That would be my first indication that this "mii-tool"is inaccurate and not appropriate tool for this use case since Pi2 only supports 100base Ethernet.

Use ethtool sudo apt-get install ethtool that should give you the real speed.

Thanks, yes as you say that reports 100mbps

Also if you have a managed switch read this thread

Like I say my issue seems sorted - but no I have all non managed switches.