SMB access from Windows 11

I got OSMC running on a raspberry pi and I set it up so long ago I’m not sure of all the settings.

I have a Windows 10 laptop and I can copy media files back and forth between the raspberry pi and the laptop. However recently I purchased a Windows 11 PC and laptop I can’t get either of them to connect to the raspberry pi using SMB filesharing. I can share files between the Windows 11 computers, between the 11s and the old Windows 10 laptop. But I can’t get 11 to connect to the RPI. It says I don’t have permission. I got password sharing turned off just about everywhere I can think of. (I know that’s dangerous don’t lecture me please).

Is there something weird about the way Windows 11 compared to Windows 10?

For now I can copy files from the 11s to the 10, and then to the RPI running OSMC but it’s a pain.

How are you trying to connect? Do you just get this browsing networks or also if you open explorer and in the address bar type in "\\192.168.x.x" (using the actual ip address of your device). Did you maybe store the wrong username/password which you can check by opening the start menu and typing “manage network passwords” and in that control panel look at the windows credential section checking for an entry for the device name and/or ip address of your device.

Did you regularly upgrade?

Did you install the SMB server from the App Store? Did you change the smb.conf?

If by this you mean you removed the password from the RPi then this may be a cause. Guest access (ie no password) has been disabled by default along with SMBv1 on Windows for many years now. Perhaps you reversed this on the Win10 box and that is why it is working. A clean install of OSMC with samba installed via the My OSMC add-on works perfectly with Win11 using the default credentials (osmc for both user and password).

The RPI still has a password. I might try doing a clean install.

Many thanks for all the advice. I will try these things

How did you solve it ?
Curious to know as I am contemplating ugrading to Windows 11.

Windows 11 in regards to media sharing doesn’t work any different than it does with Windows 10. If the previous windows install was tweaked to allow for a passwordless netbios setup the upgrade is not going to carry that forward. I believe you can still do that same enable SMB v1 and guest access in 11 just as you do in 10 but really the better way to go is to just current best practices. If your setup currently with Kodi connecting using a username and password then an upgrade shouldn’t cause any issues or require you to reconfigure anything with file shares.

So, I installed/upgraded to Windows 11 from 10 (keeping all my files & settings, admittedly without TPM 2.0 and an unsupported CPU) on a laptop. There was no problem continuing to use my SMB/autofs set up. I didn’t have to change anything on the Windows or OSMC/Kodi side. I’m only using SMB v3, which is more secure than earlier versions.

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