SMB connection

Raspberry PI 3B connecting to a Freenas Server (current software release fully updated) using a Samba Share. I have other windows 10 boxes so this is the common share method I have chosen.

I am running the latest download of OSMC and I did do an update and a dist-upgrade after installing and before configuring. I had problems connecting using fstab and autofs following the instructions as written. I did not try mounting in Kodi because I had indications the others performed better. I had direct mounts (mount.cifs and mount -t cifs) and fstab working under vanilla raspian before this, those instructions not yours called for install of smbclient, samba-common, cifs-utils and samba-common-bin. I have determined the OSMC disk image appears to contain cifs-utils and samba-common. /etc/fstab mounting is working now. In order to get it working I performed a sudo apt-get install of both smbclient and samba-common-bin and rebooted. I did this several times after several reinstalls the last time my fstab entry I believe was correct and failed before I installed smbclient and smb-common-bin (I may not need either but it works with them) and rebooted. My fstab entry did require the vers=3.02 operand. I have attempted connection using autofs without success.

I would consider doing Kodi SMB mounts if the performance issues are resolved.

This is more of a FYI at this point, as I will run for the time being using the fstab option until a comparable performing option is confirmed.

Thanks overall. OSMC is performing better than the Kodi I had under Raspian. I do like your documentation, I like the task oriented step by step nature of the instructions.

PS FYI gmail in the US puts the OSMC e-mails under a tab called promotions in the web interface. Kinda like a not quite spam directory.

There is not a performance advantage to autofs over fstab. Its advantages have to do with better recovery on dropped connections. If you wanted help with getting fstab working you would need to provide more information. Although Kodi paths will likely be a little slower, I doubt you will find that you would ever notice the difference in actual use on a RPi. The system mounts are more often used with a Vero and people playing very large (70gb+) rips.

I agree autofs is preferable to fstab. I just switched my pi from a wired to a wireless connection to access the networked files. There were quite a few reboots before I managed to get the correct wireless to boot as the default network. I have a guest network with no intranet access and a normal network with intranet access. SMB is working now with the additional two packages installed.

my WORKING fstab entry is as follows

//{ip address of freenas}/KodiLib /home/osmc/KodiLib cifs x-systemd.automount,noauto,rw,iocharset=utf8,credentials=/home/osmc/{credfilename},uid=osmc,gid=osmc,file_mode=0770,dir_mode=0770,vers=3.02 0 0

I created a KodiLib directory in /home/osmc
I removed the Movies, Music, TV shows and Pictures directories from /home/osmc

in a couple of hours I will retry autofs following these instructions.

I realize I will need to comment the /etc/fstab entry (umount /home/osmc/KodiLib or reboot) and delete the /home/osmc/KodiLib directory before attempting the autofs instructions. My intent would be to automount from the share to the same directory using autofs. Is this the next plan of action. The last time I did this I got to the point I had no error messages but ls indicated no files were present in the /user/osmc/KodiLib directory when it was created and other iterations there was not /user/osmc/KodiLib. I also tried /mnt/KodiLib with the same results.

As far as reversing the installation of smbclient and samba-common-bin do you suggest testing the /etc/fstab configuration after a sudo apt-get remove smbclient and sudo apt-get remove samba-common-bin. Would you like those tested one at a time in any specific order? I should probably do that before attempting the autofs reconfiguration.

thanks for responding.

sorry I messed up the markup.

The backout of smbclient and samba-common-bin was successful and caused no problem.
Even a missed autoremove of 5 packages performed after installing autofs had no effect.

In /etc/auto.master a ~ instead of a - caused a problem

In /etc/auto.smb.shares the final slash was missing, it looks like a carriage return and extra space were present and I think one more typo. autofs is now working as written – thanks for the push, I prefer autofs.

On to installinng a vpn before it gets too late.

I am 68 and my eyes are not what they used to be, I need to read syntax several times it appears.

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