SMB login to OSMC

I want to login to my OSMC on PI4 on “media” share from an windows pc.
activated smb in services but cant login.

passwort is not accepted!
can anyone give me a hint where to look?
my linux know how is very poor, so i would prefer an easy way to see whats wrong?

ssh Access works!

You need to install the Samba Server under the OSMC App Store if you are trying to connect to access shares on your Pi from your PC.

It’s unclear to me if that’s indeed what you are trying to do


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If my memory serves me correctly, the autoshares work without sudo smbpasswd -a osmc.

But if you make your own shares you need to have added osmc as a smbuser as well, to get it to work. Now it’s been a while since i fiddle with this last, since it’s part of my auto customization script i run at second boot. =)

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Thanks for your Tipps!!
I have activated the Samba server on the OSMC in the “Services” settings of the OSMC menu.
I want to connect from my Windows PC to “\192.168.x.x\media”. A password window appears with the login options (see attachment).
Then the system doesn’t accept any of my passwords!?

I have already tried changing the Samba password:
sudo smbpasswd -a password1, but this password is not accepted either.
Do you have any other tips on what I can try?

Which user are you using when connecting from Windows?

sudo smbpasswd -a osmc

smbpasswd adds a user and ask for password for that user

Now you might be thinking, osmc allready exist in system, but smbpasswd is it’s own user and password db. So you could make a smbpasswd -a kids, and in /etc/samba/smb-shares.conf create a share:

    browsable = yes
    read only = yes
    valid users = kids
    path = /mnt/kidstv-hdd 
    comment = TV shows for kids

Now this is just fictive share, make sure the path exist.

I also have a user called “osmc” in Windows. Could that be the reason?

Well, it “could be” especially if you don’t have the same password on both users. else you could tell windwos smb client to use the osmc user of the server, I know i have done that before, just unsure from the top of my head how to. Using net-command in windows CLI, I think you could do user@serverip there by stop windows authenticating with local osmc password. But as I said, been a while since I played with this.

I tried that, but it didn’t work.

I can’t do the “kids” thing because I don’t have any Linux skills!!
I got the simple commands suggested to me by CharGPT :wink:

I think I’ll pass on this, it’s obviously beyond my capabilities.
I thought it would be much easier to do this…
Thanks anyway for your tips