[Solved] Can't get around "Permission Denied" in Transmission


I am an starting user on OSMC.

I want to download with torrent and automatic downloads, and I have searched and finally I want to use “Transmission and Flexget”

But, I just cannot get around “Permission denied” on Transmission.

Please, can anybody tell me the exactly steps to install transmission and configure to download on an external HDD? I have readed something about mount HDD on /mnt but I don´t know how to do that.

Thank you very much.

Fishbone, for some reason if I do as perifrastico says transmission downloads properly. If I leave it in /media things continue to fail. Any ideas?

Okay I had the same issue as ever one else but think I have sorted it. My HDD was auto mounted to /media/Seagate so every thing I tied failed. Changing usernames to osmc did nothing, neither did usermod.
Started with a fresh install of osmc, then installed transmission.
All I had to do was change the mount point. I did sudo umount /media/Seagate. Then sudo mkdir /mnt/HDD, then manually mounted the HDD with sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/hdd. Changed the Json file to point to the new mount point and it worked!
Finally i chanhed the fstab so it would auto mount correctly. /dev/sda1 /mnt/hdd ntfs-3g defaults,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000, 0 0
Downloads don’t seem to be as fast as using a standalone pi for torrenting but does the job!
Hope the above makes sense.


I seem to have the same issues as you. My FAT32 device /dev/sda1 gets mounted automatically to /media/8B55-BA46
with not enough permissions, I assume. I tried changing them with chmod, but although it doesn´t give any errors, the permissions still don´t change.
I tried changing the USER on both files as jemoon and fishbone did, and get the same problem with the webUI as you. I tried with usermod, but also to no avail.
Then I tried editing my fstab with the line you wrote but changing “/media/My\040Passport” to “/media/8B55-BA46” and then OSMC jumps into emergency mode. I had to clear that line for it to work. Now I´m a bit of a unix noob, so I don´t really know exactly how to set permissions, and that line doesn´t make that much sense to me, but I do think this has something to do with user permissions on the device. I tried everything as both osmc and root user but still nothing.
Do you or anyone else have any pointers on what my problem might be?

Thanks a lot

so I solved it, for me at least. After some investigation I understood what most of those parameters were, on the fstab edit.
So I added this line
/sda/dev1 /media/pendrive ntfs defaults 0 0
and everythign worked fine. It is a stripped down version of sandkiller’s, but it is one I understand. Later I changed /sda/dev1 to the ID of the device, so I could add more than one.
The only issue I noticed was that if I turned on the RPi without this drive plugged, it failed to start. Something for later, I guess.

try adding noauto,x-systemd.automount to the options, eg:

/sda/dev1 /media/pendrive ntfs noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 0

Not tested, but I think that should solve your problem.

I added this to my fstab months ago to fix everything

/dev/sda1 /media/Content ntfs defaults,auto 0 0

I updated to RC3 and everything worked fine. This morning osmc was frozen so I rebooted and got this:

I’m going to make sure the drive isn’t dead (possibility) but if it’s not… what do?

Update: Turned my external on and off and everything is working. I guess things fail if my drive isn’t plugged in with the way I have my fstab setup.

Mounts in /etc/fstab are considered hard dependencies. If they’re not found, then systemd, which processes /etc/fstab will complain on boot.


It does look like your drive has failed or is not connected properly. Try connecting it to another machine to verify.

If you hold down shift when you turn the power on you will get to the recovery console - from there you can edit fstab to comment out or remove the line for the drive so you can boot again.

BTW you shouldn’t need this fstab entry for an external drive anymore - some improvements have been made to the automounter permissions in RC3 so give that a try again.

You’re right. No more error even after removing that fstab entry. However, I have a new problem (that I used to have in raspbmc that i never tried to fix). On a fresh reboot all my torrents in transmission are ‘error no data found’. If I resume they resume/seed just fine. I think transmission is starting before osmc mounts my external and that’s why transmission doesn’t find the data. Is this fixable?

Yes, change the systemd unit to start after udisks. We will do this for App Store version of Transmission

I also ran into permission problems very similar to those of this thread.

My external hdd is ext4 formatted. I found out that uid and gid specification cannot be done for ext4 formatted drives in fstab.

resulting in this line
/dev/sda1 /mnt/mybook/ ext4 defaults,auto, 0 0

The drive is automounted, however, when I try to download anything using transmission, the permissions denied problems occurs.

I tried the sudo usermod -a -G osmc debian-transmission numereous times, however, I do not notice anything is changed.


Hi I read all the thread. In the end, which one would be the optimal solution? I am using transmission with 2 external HDD. One of them works fine, the other seems to give access problems, but just with some torrents…

I have some folders seeding fine in both external drives.
Some other folders I can not seed in one of them (transmission doesn’t verify their data although utorrent does).
Other torrents are seeding from one external HDD, but in the path it says they are seeding from the other one. (Paths seem to change by themselves).

I tried
sudo usermod -a -G osmc debian-transmission

but get the response
usermod: user 'debian-transmission' does not exist

I installed Transmission through the OSMC set up

That’s because the user for the transmission app is osmc already.

Check the permissions and user and group owner.

Hi! did you found any solution for ext4?

What do you mean?

Hi guys, new to all this. Used to use a popcorn hour and decided to give the vero 4k a go. Very good so far. Now the issue I can’t get around is using transmission. I have installed it through the app store and accessed it via my laptop. I have attached an ntfs hdd, but I cannot download torrents to it via the usual media/ address. All I get is permission denied. What do I need to be doing to correct this so I can download straight to the hdd. Thanks in advance.

Please don’t double-post. You’ve already started a thread here Vero 4k Transmission Help

Yes but was redirected to look here as was very similar thought I’d ask.