Some questions about the vero 5

I have been using Zidoo Z9x and like it, but the new one doesn’t do 3d so thinking of switching to the Vero V. Does it have enough power to play everything and does it have any issues playing 3D? I believe it uses Kodi and on my HTPC with KODI that I used before there were a lot of issues having it play 3D. The Zidoo box I hit play and it plays with no issues and no noticeable frame repeats, lags etc. Is this box able to match the frame rate exactly like the Zidoo and provide a seemless experience?

Finally for the DV. I use a projector and currently do LLDV with HDfury box. From my reading I could just dump the HDfury box as this will play the DV correctly now without the colors?

On the DV question: yes, Vero V will play DV Profile 5 in the correct colours without the need for a HDFury.


3D output is also supported

okay, thanks, I’m seriously considering switching and I think the support is excellent just seeing the threads and you posting. I’ve been told its a lot less powerful than the new chip in the Zidoo, is that going to affect anything in the real world?

Not sure where you’ve read that, but my understanding is Zidoo doesn’t actually have a native Kodi player. That will take a massive performance hit. The Zidoo is also quite old now, so we should be ahead.

If the device was underpowered we would have a lot of complaints.

There is a 14 day money back guarantee for peace of mind.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask :slight_smile:

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