Some questions Vero 4K

Difficult … I think you have seen the hint to reboot the NAS after changes,

So, look at the Syno itsself

  • ssh to it, user admin/< your admin password>
  • look into the specific volume directory: i.e. cd /volume1
  • cd into the share directory and look about rights, owner and group: ls -al

Sorry, i forgot to mention that i did reboot the synology. So strange it works great both from pc/iphone and the old xtreamer. I mean, why would there be any need for other than just browsing and mounting the folder :slight_smile:

Maybe the folders were not created as “admin” but as other Syno-Users??? Don’t know, you can try to remove the flag “hide sub-folders and files from users without permissions” in the second picture … but at least I would look at the permissions and ownership settings of the share and subfolders to use just to get an understanding what’s going on.

Solved the problem with the nfs mount. If i added just a * in the hostname/ip in the synology nfs folder sharing it works. Did not work to have 192.168.0.* which weirdly works for all other clients.

Thanks a lot for the help!

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Glad you got it working. The correct syntax in an exports file would be to limit access to your subnet. I don’t know if the Syno recognises that though. Is the Vero on the same subnet?

On a Synology you you can use the CIDR suffix notation as well as the classic Dotted Decimal Notation:

Intention was something like 192.168.0.* should be specified as

where ip doesn’t matter and can be any ip out of the network segment … as far as I used that so far.

I think the subnet needs to be defined using (For a class C subnet) )and not 192.168.0.* …
The * is just a general wildcard and many software tends to make issues with it if used inside the subnet notations. (Well - that from my experience).

I have since then started using my own stuff (NAS), actually currently running a heaviliy patched OMV - which is IMHO the best NAS software out there. Just does what it is supposed to do.

Then why is it heavily patched? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The stuff around it, adapted to my own UIs and automations (DHCPD/DNS Config UI and Dynamic blacklist handler and attack mitigation) :slight_smile:

Strangely the * is working for all other clients but for some reason not with the Vero 4k. I have used this for at least 2 years with xtreamer client and pc. Even the synology gives the example with the *. But it doesn’t matter as long as it works :slight_smile: