Sorttokens: Ignore Articles When Sorting

Issue: When viewing my video library, movies are using articles in the sorting process. For instance “A Nightmare on Elm Street” is showing up under ‘A’ instead of ‘N’.


  1. Ensured Settings>General>Ignore Articles was turned on.
  2. Copied advancedsettings.xml from ‘/usr/share/kodi/system/advancedsettings.xml’ to ‘/home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml’ and added:
    < sorttokens >
    < token >A< /token >
    < token >a< /token >
    < token >An< /token >
    < token >AN< /token >
    < token >an< /token >
    < /sorttokens >
    Saved and restarted.

Expected Results: Items sorted without using articles (A Nightmare on Elm Street showing with 'N’s)
Actual Results: Items sorted using articles. (A Nightmare on Elm Street showing with 'A’s)

You didn’t need to copy the system level advancedsettings.xml as the files stack and anything you add in a userdata file will just add to what was added in the other file. Please post logs so we can see what exactly Kodi is loading. All that was needed was your advancedsettings.xml to look like the following…

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

BTW I just checked this on my system and it worked without issue.

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Thanks Darwin, I was able to get it working.

It looks like there was a missing ‘/’ and it was truly hard to see because I had additional tokens that I didn’t type out here.

Much appreciated.