When you get a new box there are always some setup queries, but we are here to help. Using the Library Watchdog addon should let you do library scans in the early hours without any complex setup
Ok i installed Watchdog but i can´t find the option to scan the library at any time. There is only the option to do the scan at startup. Can you tell me where i can find it (@sam_nazarko)?
It may have changed a bit. I think it will just update your library automatically now.
If you’re wondering, @Shawn2018_1: The manual library update functionality is to be found in your “Movie” or “TV show” section when opening the context menu and then “Update library”… This will manually update your video library whenever you want
I do not want a manual update because I’m not alone in the household and my wife does not always think about it when she wants to watch a movie. Therefore, I am looking for an automatism that I can set at a certain time.
Watchdog does not seem to be synonymous, because I can not define a time. (@sam_nazarko)
It automatically monitors shares for changes and invokes a scan when this occurs.
I installed Library Autoupdater and there i can configure a time or day or what else with cronjobs.
Seems to work fine for me.
Now we try to solve my other little problems.