Hi Guys,
there has been a lot of discussion of late about the benifits of SSD drives instead of The standard Hard Drive in the ATV1, well my contribution to this thread is based on my experience using all of the above methods over the last couple of years, firstly I used a Msata 30gb SSD drive on a 44pin to sata adapter, this fits directly onto the 44pin cable, this took up very little room inside the case, this turned out to be less noisy, stayed cooler, faster boot up, less stuttering etc, has far as I was concerned a total no brainer, well worth the effort and the small cost.
My second project was to fit two (2) Sata drives inside the ATV1 case, this involved purchasing a dual drive 44pin flat cable, purchasing two 44pin to Sata adapters, the Msata 30gb SSD drive was connected to the short end of the cable, (this being the primary drive) I then went ahead and installed Crystalbuntu etc onto the drive, when I was satisfied with the setup, and could see that all was working correctly, I then attached my second adapter to the longer end of the cable (this being for my slave drive) I then attached my second Sata drive which was a full sized 2.5 drive, I took the drive out of its enclosior, this ment it was very slim, and ment it could fit inside the case very snugly, it is important to remember that you must not install the second drive until the first one as been fully setup with Kodi or (xbmc) as it was then.
The 26.7G drive is the Mini Msata SSD drive, and the 931GB is the slave drive. The format of the 1TB Slave drive is HFS+ this I found could be changed to Ex Fat etc.
There is no reason why anyone would want this setting, except it makes for a tidier appearence, ie: no bits and pieces hanging out of the usb port, I found it usefull for the downloading of the odd film etc, and I’m ready to be shot down for making work for myself, but that is all I’m interested in, finding out how things work, and how can I add to it.
The picture below shows one of my first attempts , the setup being the same as above.
I have more pics of the installation using different drives for anyone interested.strong text