Ssh freeze

@vreemt are you still having this issue where when Kodi freezes an SSH connection starts to connect but then hangs without prompting for the login ?

If so, are you using a Pi 1 or a Pi 2 ? Can you add the following option in /boot/config.txt and reboot to see if it helps ?


To make sure that this option is taking effect please check you get the same result to the following command:

osmc@rpi2:~$ dmesg | grep -i sdhost
[    1.053015] mmc0: sdhost-bcm2835 loaded - DMA enabled (>1)


Hi,thank you for your response.
I’ve set the config setting and confirmed it’s running as requested, I’ve got a Pi 1 Model B
needed to restart the pi sudo reboot rather than just the mediacenter sudo restart mediacenter to get it to take effect. will see how it goes and post back when it’s been used for a bit again (:

@vreemt - did this work? I am having similar problems with occasional ssh freeze on a Pi 1 Model B

what would I do if I already had a dtoverlay entry in /boot/config.txt?

do I keep the gpio parts and just replace lirc-rpi?

You can have multiple dtoverlay lines.

So you would leave your existing dtoverlay line(s) in place and just add dtoverlay=sdhost as a separate line. Replacing lirc-rpi with sdhost would not work - they are two unrelated settings.

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Did not realize there could be multiple dtoverlay entries - thanks for clarifying.

For anyone else interested, I also found the following resource useful for explanation of dtoverlay:

Hi, nope, still having issues with freezing (sound goes before the image does) but haven’t managed to get a report as it crashes when it happens. It seems to happen randomly, but will try and enable some debugging.

The freeze causes the file not to recognise it’s been playing either (e.g. watch until halfway, it freezes, on reboot the file appears as if it wasn’t watched at all).

Still having the same query: is there a link/howto of how to post a log after a reboot containing the details since the last reboot?


This sounds like you’re describing freezing of the whole Pi? I thought your original message was about freezing of SSH (which is the problem I am having)? Has the SSH freezing part improved at all with dtoverlay=sdhost?

Well not all information will be available but a grab-logs -A will contain the kodi.old.log that may contain some clues

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my pi freezes during playback and becomes inaccessible via ssh or a browser

the occurrences seem to have improved a bit, but I’ve used mine fairly infrequently recently, so can’t quite remember.

tried ssh with -v as it hangs after offering my key for the connection, but other than a whole load of details about the key exchange process no actual feedback
I’ve also found ssh -vvv -o LogLevel=DEBUG3 Debug SSH at the Maximum Verbosity Level Using alias which I imagine when my pi is actually just frozen doesn’t shed any new light on the issue
I’m not sure if the freeze in ssh comes before the playback freeze, I will try and see if I can find out more

will try to grab logs and post them - thanks!