SSH Server / FTP Server Problem

Hi there, somehow since a recent update I can’t access my osmc (pi) via SFTP anymore. I also encounter errors and timeouts when I try to install the “FTP Server” and the “SSH Server” package via “My OSMC > App Store”. I receive an error message that tells me to go here and tell you about the occurring error.
I also tried to install the package via putty, but unfortunately this didn’t work either.
I really got no clue what happened, because all the time before everything worked perfectly so far.

These are logs being created after reboot and retrying to install the above mentioned packages.

Would be damn grateful for any help.

Thanks in advance, Phil

Hi Phil,

You seem to be missing packages and dependencies, please try checking for updates again.

Thanks Tom.

Hey Tom,

thanks for that fast reply. I tried as you suggested, but it kinda didn’t work.

I tried via “my OSMC” menu and also via putty.
Got the same error.

The new logfile is

Maybe the screens may help.

Cheers, Phil

Hi Phil,

Please try:

sudo apt-get --purge remove openssh-server
sudo apt-get install openssh-server

And try updating again.

Thanks Tom.

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Hi Tom,

it worked! I’m really grateful, thanks a lot!

Topic might be marked as solved :slight_smile:

Cheers, Phil

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Hi Phil,

Glad to hear its sorted.

Thanks Tom.