SSID is not listed

Got a new 4k today. Unboxed, connected to mains, TV, and Ethernet. Updated to latest. So far everything is fine. BUT it can’t connect to my Wifi because the SSID is not listed. I got a 2,4 GHz with a good signal. A lot of other stuff can onnect to it.
The SSID is @homeorsimilar

Help is appreciated, thanks.

This could be an issue but I am not sure. Also which channel are you using, it could be a Country setting issue.

channel 13

That could be the problem as Channel 13 is not allowed in all countries. Can you (just for testing) try a channel below 11?

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I can confirm it works with channel 11, any way to still get it running on channel 13?

@sam_nazarko to confirm how to set wireless country on the Vero4k

Ok we had some debate on the topic and yes can set it up to support Channel 13.
Install crda sudo apt-get install crda.
Add your 2 digit country ISO code into /etc/default/crda REGDOMAIN sudo nano /etc/default/crda
Then reboot. After reboot check with iw reg get if it is set correctly

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