Stream video from OSMC on RPi to Smart TV (LG)

My problem was not with Samba client but with Samba server…

Problem now resolved as described in this thread:
Updated OSMC…

  1. Had to add a mount definition for my USB drive containing videos to /etc/fstab
  2. Had to re-add my share definition and workgroup name into samba configuration.
    Here I noticed that one should redirect config to smb-local.conf in order to persist across system updates…

I also made a change to a kodi config file described in a post by macjawa on April 18, 2019 in the tread UPnp/DLNA not working

What I did was I edited the .kodi/userdata/upnpserver.xml file and set the Port node value to 8200 while changing the name of the original node so as to keep info on the previous value.
This did not work, however, because the old value has now been removed from the xml file…
So now I am running with Port=8200 and it works and I don’t remember what it was set to originally.

I am now going to create another media server fresh from a new OSMC image, so I might be able to see what OSMC will assign as Port for UPnp/DLNA…