Streaming media to WDTV Live (WDLXTV) not working

@MarkinCA, I was wondering if you were able to play to your WDTV directly from Kodi using Play using… > WDTV. I’m getting errors like this:

 ERROR: CUPnPPlayer::PlayFile(/home/osmc/Videos/Anna Kendrick - Cups.mp4) failed to find a matching resource
ERROR: UPNP: CUPnPPlayer::OpenFile - unable to open file /home/osmc/Videos/Anna Kendrick - Cups.mp4
ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [/home/osmc/Videos/Anna Kendrick - Cups.mp4]

The type of file I’m trying to play doesn’t seem to make any difference. Anyone out there been able to get this working?

Playing to WDTV using Linux (using UPnP AV Control Point), or Android (using Airwire or BubbleUPnP) does work.

My logs

@Katze – sorry, no, I have not tried that. Frankly, the interface using Bubble UPnP is quite good, and the whole point was to not have to turn on the TV to play music. Also, I am playing only music files, not videos.

I’ve tried every type of file I have with no luck. Bubble UPnP is very nice indeed, but there’s things that only Kodi can do.

Could you give it a try next time you have a chance and see what happens?

@Katze – I would if I could, but I don’t see where to do a Play using… on my Vero. I’m using the Amber skin, which is sort of Plex-like. The only reference I could find on that seems to indicate the need to create an xml file with external player info, and I’m really not interested in doing that. I’d rather just using some control point like Bubble to handle DLNA Play To type things.

From the error message you posted, it appears the chosen music file is not being found by the player. Is there somewhere in a config file where you need to point to the root directory for your music files? /home/osmc/Videos seems like an unlikely place for music files.

That was just a test to see if it could play a local file. My library’s a bit more organized than that. :wink:

It does look like it couldn’t open the file, I just haven’t a clue why. I have no problem opening files in any other circumstance.