Struggling with libraries from a NAS

Hi all, I have a Synology NAS, with the Vero V.

I have setup my libraries using SMB. The only way I could do this was to turn on Local Master Browser.

The Vero does seem to connect ok. I can then turn off Local Master Browser and re disable the guest account. Still ok, I can then shutdown and reboot the Vero, still ok.

But after a few days, I have to re enable the local master again. I am using SMB3.

Should I be using SMB? Is there anything else I should use?

I tried to re add a library but it does’nt ask for a username and I can’t find where I set this. The NAS does show a login from the Vero.


Between the Vero and Synology using NFS would be most performant.
But SMB is also OK if you have good network connectivity.
When using SMB you might want to consider switching to fstab/autofs mounting than using the Kodi build on mounting.

Check this wiki

If you wanted to stick with a Kodi path…

If you go to Settings > Media > Videos > Add videos > Browse > Add Network Location >

And then make sure the protocol is set to SMB and in the “Server Name” field click on it and manually type in the NAS’s device name or IP address, your credentials, and then click OK. Don’t type in any additional network path at this point. Now instead of going to Browse > Windows network (SMB) you will go to Browse > [the location you added] and you should be able to see and browse the shares on your NAS using the credentials you entered.

Hi all, thanks for your help. I went with the fstab setup. I think with smb 3. All works ok. Thanks again.

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