Stuttering, crashing and frowny face as of two weeks ago



  • Issues started around two weeks ago (give or take)
  • Picture pausing whilst sound continues, pauses in the order of a second, happens in bursts.
  • Can go for a few minutes after re-boot without problems, but then they happen continuously.
  • Bottom-half of the screen displays random blocks and colours in about 1/10th of the glitches.
  • Impossible to watch anything
  • I get the white frowny face on the blue background quite often - saw it multiple times today during scanning and log generating for example. Happened during updates too.


  • Sources are external NAS mounted (via /etc/fstab) via NFS
  • HDMI switching via Yamaha receiver

What I’ve done:

  • Swapped HDMI cable and Ethernet cable
  • Rebooted many, many times
  • Played same files via Infuse on Apple TV (from same NAS sources) - all good
  • Re-installed OSMC via qt_host_installer twice - one with 2024.04-1, then again with 2024.02-1
  • Restored from backup for first re-install, then vanilla with second install (e.g. install, then play files)
  • Swapped the Vero V for my old (and trusty) Vero 4K+ - all good
  • Turned all logging on, rebooted twice, played with glitches, then submitted logs via OSMC itself

I fear that the hardware has gone bad somewhere. When it glitches I sometimes see this, but not always:

osmc CPtsTracker: detected pattern of length 1: 41708.33, frameduration: 41708.333333

Feels like a hardware issue to me :frowning:


Hi, you need to post the returned URL here, so we can see the logs.

Does the situation change if you power your Vero V with the power supply from your Vero 4K?

It has a different connector for the power supply, so I can’t try that. Thanks for the suggestion.

I have been busy for the week, but got back to it after having it unplugged for a while (since I had reverted to the Vero 4K+). Well, everything is back to normal. It did ask for an update when I re-connected it, and once completed gave me the usual frowny face, but it’s been otherwise flawless.

I also did the update as per Sam’s advice in another thread Playback issues since last update - #3 by sam_nazarko

All good so far.

Let’s keep an eye on things.


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The Vero 4K, Vero 4K+, and Vero V, all have the same barrel Jack and the power supplies are interchangeable between them.