Sudo alsactl store just hangs

I would like for the settings to remain when rebooting, but when I try sudo alsactl store it just hangs, ie the command prompt?

Correct. There’s a bug in the ALSA driver.

The ALSA driver doesn’t implement enough functionality to support this well.
As a result, we also mask the alsa restore service if the alsa-utils package is installed to prevent issues on bootup

OK. So, what are the options. Ie how can I set the alsamixer levels manually so they survive a reboot?

What adjustments are you making?
Have you checked that they make an effect

If it’s for a USB DAC etc, it’s probably possible to restore just one card (i.e. not the built in)


If you can control it from the command line, you can use rc.local to set them at each boot.

I am just increasing the volume. Yes it is for an USB sound card. For some reason does it default to -20dB:

lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq AlsaMixer v1.1.3 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
x Card: USB Sound Device                               F1:  Help               x
x Chip: USB Mixer                                      F2:  System information x
x View: F3:[Playback] F4: Capture  F5: All             F6:  Select sound card  x
x Item: Speaker [dB gain: -20.06, -20.06]              Esc: Exit               x
x                                                                              x
x     lqqk     lqqk     lqqk     lqqk     lqqk              lqqk     lqqk      x
x     x  x     x  x     x  x     x  x     x  x              x  x     x  x      x
x     x  x     x  x     x  x     x  x     x  x              x  x     x  x      x
x     x  x     x  x     x  x     x  x     x  x              x  x     x  x      x
x     x  x     x  x     x  x     x  x     x  x              x  x     x  x      x
x     x  x     x  x     x  x     x  x     x  x              xaax     xaax      x
x     x  x     x  x     x  x     x  x     x  x              xaax     xaax      x
x     x  x     x  x     x  x     x  x     x  x              xaax     xaax      x
x     xaax     xaax     xaax     xaax     xaax              xaax     xaax      x
x     xaax     xaax     xaax     xaax     xaax              xaax     xaax      x
x     xaax     xaax     xaax     xaax     xaax              xaax     xaax      x
x     tqqu     tqqu     tqqu     tqqu     tqqu     Mic      tqqu     tqqu      x
x     xOOx     xOOx     xOOx     xOOx     xOOx              xMMx     xMMx      x
x     mqqj     mqqj     mqqj     mqqj     mqqj              mqqj     mqqj      x
x    29<>29   29<>29     29       29     29<>29            64<>64   64<>64     x
x  <Speaker >Speaker  Speaker  Speaker  Speaker  PCM Capt   Line     Mic       x
x    Front     Rear    Center   Woofer    Side                                 x

Even if you do alsactl store, we won’t load those changes on boot.
Instead you should use amixer in rc.local.

Something like:

amixer set ‘USB Mixer’ 100%+

OK. amixer -c 1 sset 'Speaker' 0dB it is. Let me put that in rc.local

IIRC there’s a setting somewhere in the labyrinth of alsa config files that sets this boot-up value. The idea is to not blow people’s ears out when you turn the device on.

II didn’t RC, it must be in the driver code somewhere.

Understood. I put it in /etc/rc.local

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