Tags on Video Info Details

I’ve done some reading on tags as this infolabel never occurred to me as important at all… Unfortunately, it seems to me, this hasn’t really changed. Video tags are an absolute corner case when it comes to how many users use them and what they’re being used for. Additionally, tag reading from video files is extremely limited and thus the additional value file tags would give us in this dialog would be very limited.

I’d prefer to stick to what most skins and Kodi do as well as stick to methods of populating the info dialog that let us control what we show - as in e.g. not show redundant info.

Currently, our skin reads all of the audio and video information available and presents them in the video info dialog. I understand the aspect ratio is somewhat difficult, but we do support a filenaming method to be able to control the masking done by the scope skin as well: OSMC Skin Scope Mask feature - #14 by Chillbo
Regarding 3D audio filenaming, you’ll find information here: The OSMC Skin