[TESTING] Kodi v19 builds for Vero 4K / 4K +

Yeah its really annoying. It was supposed to be “future proof” in terms of HDR. Unfortunately this is how a lot of companies make money. They fix it in subsequent models and you have to make a decision to spend the money to upgrade or try to work around it yourself.

Not yet. Can you give me instructions please?

so im not trying to be a jerk here but, kodi 19 was rushed out, very few plugins work correctly! (not kodi’s fault i know) i just don’t understand why OSMC is focused on pushing 19 yet. 18.9 is so close to fully usable! why not further tweak it until kodi 19 becomes mature enough to warrant mainstream usage?

not to mention the truehd bug that is still not fixed after years…

the truehd bug really gets to me. you have 2 options.
1: keep truehd enabled and deal with audio dropouts
2: disable truehd and say goodbye to chapter skipping, FF/REW, even pause crashes the player.

Quick search normally helps :wink:


Kodi v18.9 is in a good shape on OSMC platforms and will stay on good shape. Nothing stops you from using this version for as long as you like.

That is unfortunately an upstream Kodi bug that we have tried to address.
There’s been quite a lot of discussion on this.


Chickens and eggs. While Matrix was still in development, add-on developers didn’t bother. Only by releasing Matrix was Kodi able to convince the add-on guys that it was ‘stable’ enough so they’d better do the upgrades. Much the same with OSMC, which is why you won’t see a full release until Kodi 19.1.

As for the truehd bug(s), Kodi devs have different specialities. You can’t just expect any dev to pick it up and sort it out if what you’re suggesting is ‘time would be better spent on truehd’.

Where is the focus on pushing that you speak of? These are clearly being provided as TESTING builds. No OSMC user has been pushed these builds. There are significant manual steps that must be taken to install.


Did my code i published help you? Was it correct? Can you work with it?

Yes thanks. It tells me your PJ gives no hint that it can handle WCG so we’ll just have to put in some manual controls.

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Yea not what i meant…. I was told kodi 18 will no longer be matained, so kinda…… but regardless if kodi doesnt fix the stupid truehd bug i will be switching platforms anyway

What im saying is why not fix bugs in a current release instead of releasing a new version with the same bug

Yes, and I’ve explained why. It’s not an either/or situation. But I’m not a Kodi spokesman, just observing what goes on.

That’s a current known issue with the current OSMC test build of Kodi 19. If you scroll up near the beginning of this thread, you will see some discussion about it. The work around is to manually install all the dependencies the third-party repo add-on needs before installing the actual add-on.

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For standalone addons:
In order to know which addons your desired addon depends upon, either download the addon-zip on another computer, unzip and read the addon.xml. Or download it to your OSMC-device using wget or curl an unzip addon_file.zip, locate and nano addon.xml.

But most addons are in a repository and then Kodi has access to the addon.xml for that addon, and can show dependencies in Info-screen.

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Thank you. I have been following this thread but obviously missed that.
How do I manually install dependencies? Is it done just from ssh?

I’ll fix that later this week.



Not ssh, no. From the Kodi interface (where depends a bit on the skin, and I don’t use the OSMC skin). Look for something like Settings → System → Add-ons. Some dependencies can be installed from the repo by finding the category to which it belongs and install it from there, but some (notably script.module.* add-ons) can’t be installed that way. So you have to go to:


And then download the zip for the dependency and install from zip. And that brings up another complication. In Matrix, if you install an add-on from zip, it will never get updated even if the addd-on is in a repo. So if you install one of the repo add-ons from zip, you then need to go to the information screen for the add-on and then look for the version button. That will let you install it again from the repo, at which point you’ll get updates moving forward.

Honestly, if you can I would just wait until it gets fixed (this week based on what Sam just posted).

Thank you again!!!

I will wait as I have a working Kodi right now anyway on my CCwGTV so it’s not desperate.

I also see BTW that some directories in /usr/share/kodi/addons are owned by the osmc user so taking ownership of the skin.estuary so I can let an addon access it to overwrite an xml file in there doesn’t seem so drastic. I did remove the osmc user from the root group though as it doesn’t seem necessary and I still seem to need to use sudo anyway. The osmc user was in the sudo group by default - actually if I look in the sudoers file all users are in that group.

Thank you. Next time I will search :sweat_smile:

I have the same issue. It seems IPTV Simple (dependency of IPTV Manager) requires inputstream.ffmpegdirect, which doesn’t get resolved automatically.

@sam_nazarko Can you guys have a look at this please?

Edit: OK I see it’s a known and general dependency issue. I’ll be patient :slight_smile: