[TESTING] Linux 4.9 kernel and improved video stack for Vero 4K / 4K +

Neither AAC or MP3 audio files are working for me. The player plays, but I don’t hear anything. I tried changing the passthrough settings and speaker config (although the config worked fine on the older kernel). Nothing helped.

Additional info (but no new logs). I also can’t hear the Kodi GUI sounds even if enabled, nor do I get any sound if playing something from a music addon like Radio. The only sound I can get is on video files. All those are AC3 encoded audio (or something like TruHD for my 4K bluray stuff). And if I turn off passthrough, then I get nothing on the video files either.

Second update: I changed the Output Configuration in the Audio system settings from Best Match to Fixed and that solved the problem. If it’s set to either Best Match or Optimal then AAC and MP3 don’t work. That’s fine, but it’s a change from the 3.x kernel.


I will push a new kernel which might help EDID parsing shortly.

Thanks Sam. Any idea why i can’t get it back after rolling back to jan update?

Your EDID seems to be corrupted / not parseable:

====================== EDID =================== wE0go885
Rx Brand Name: ��B
Rx Product Name: 
Manufacture Week: 13
Manufacture Year: 2129
Physical size(cm): 0 x 0
EDID Version: 0.0
EDID block number: 0x0
blk0 chksum: 0x00
Source Physical Address[a.b.c.d]:
YCC support 0x00, VIC (native 3):
ColorDeepSupport 0x00 10/12/16/Y444 0/0/0/0
3 4 5 16 
Audio {format, channel, freq, cce}
Speaker Allocation: 0x00
Vendor: 0x000c03
MaxTMDSClock1 0 MHz
RR_Cap: 0
LTE_340M_Scramble: 0

checkvalue: 0x00000000

I will produce a new 4.9 kernel soon.

Cheers. So the tv is corrupt?

It’s not clear – can you try on another display?
I will check the EDID issues with 4.9 tomorrow.

I don’t have another 4k display. Ive tried a different hdmi input with no luck.
My foxtel (paytv box) still recognizes it as a 4k tv.
Lately I’ve been having issues with cec working too. But have just used yatse or original remote. The cec issues were before the update though. Before the update all resolutions worked fine

It doesn’t need to be a 4K display.

Ive just plugged it into a rather old sony 1080 tv.
I get 1 more resolution available to me, 576p


The EDID is correctly read:

====================== EDID =================== wE0go885
Rx Brand Name: SNY
Rx Product Name: SONY
Manufacture Week: 1
Manufacture Year: 2007
Physical size(cm): 160 x 90
EDID Version: 1.3
EDID block number: 0x1
blk0 chksum: 0xef
Source Physical Address[a.b.c.d]:
YCC support 0x03, VIC (native 255):
ColorDeepSupport 0xb8 10/12/16/Y444 1/1/0/1
31 3 4 18 19 5 20 32 7 22 16 21 17 2 6 1 
Audio {format, channel, freq, cce}
{1, 1, 0x07, 0x07}
Speaker Allocation: 0x01
Vendor: 0x000c03
MaxTMDSClock1 225 MHz
Colorimetry: 0x3
RR_Cap: 0
LTE_340M_Scramble: 0
checkvalue: 0xefa30000

Something is not quite right with the TV.
Will look in to it.

Thanks Sam
Just for completness I grabbed the logs from my pi3b+ plugged into the same sony you said is ok.
It shows more resolutions than the vero does on the same tv


edit: 4k tv used earlier is a Nu8000 samsung

Doesn’t matter – we don’t care for DMT Modes.

I meant it showed more in the settings of kodi. Pi3b+ is running latest osmc

That doesn’t matter – we do not handle DMT modes. Pi enumerates modes differently.

Same as 3.14.

Not sure whats going on but after swapping pi3b+ and vero around a few times I put everything back to normal and now the vero is seeing 4k.
I had previously left the tv and the vero unpowered for half hour or so to clear any hdmicec type problems with out any change. Cec is all working again also.


That’s odd. I wonder if that HDMI connector is a bit loose on your TV?
I’m building a new kernel for 4.9, and would appreciate it if you could try it.

Not wrong!
The connector seems fine and i tried a different input also that hasn’t been used before with these same bad results

More than happy to try anything you like. Thanks again

I have pushed a new 4.9 kernel with some HDMI EDID register read/write changes. Would be interesting to know if this yields any improvement.

  • NFS kernel server support should also be fixed.
  • There are also some Bluetooth fixes.

If it does, I should have a good idea on how to solve @modul8’s issue, even under 3.14, if he continues to experience a problem.

You can update via My OSMC provided that the repository is still active.



This means we can do it interactively if sources.list still has the edit at the top of the thread?
